All superstars immediately get dumped to the outside in some fashion, but Miz enters the ring and attempts to climb the ladder to no avail. Show reenters and clears the ring again, but Kane stands toe to toe with Show as the two go at it.
Show slammed Kane and stood tall in the ring. Show went to the outside as he battled Cena. Cena hit the AA on Big Show through the table.
Jericho climbed the ladder, but Miz interrupted. Jericho countered Miz from the ladder and slapped on the Walls of Jericho.
Jericho set up a ladder atop the turnbuckles. Jericho threw Miz into the ladder and went back up the ladder, but Cena stopped him as he begun to make his ascent.
Miz thwarted Cena's attempt as he begun to climb the ladder. Kane threw a ladder at Miz, and he made the climb. Jericho pulled Kane down as Kane tried to double chokeslam Miz and Jericho. Miz and Jericho countered and hit a double suplex on Kane on a ladder.
Cena then hit a Ten Knuckle Shuffle on both Miz and Jericho, followed by an AA on Kane with Kane landing on the ladder.
Jericho begun climbing the ladder after taking Cena out. Show ripped apart Jericho's ladder and threw Jericho off.
Big Show placed a ladder on Cena while Cena was against the ropes and squashed him. Big Show threw a ladder out of the ring as the ladders begun to pile up. Show then went to the outside and pulled a super ladder from underneath the ring.
Show begun a slow climb of the super ladder, and just as he reached the top Kane joined him. Show threw Kane off the ladder, which brought out Cena. Cena scaled the ladder to stop Big Show, but Show pushed him off as well.
Jericho hit Show with multiple steel chair shots as Show finally dropped from the ladder. Jericho and Cena were both atop the ladder, as Cena picked Jericho up for the AA. Jericho countered with a sleeper hold as Cena fought through it and continued to climb the ladder.
Cena continued to try to fight through the sleeper hold, but finally faded. Cena dropped from the ladder, with the male contingent popping for it. Jericho grabbed the briefcase, but so did the Miz. Miz bumped Jericho off the ladder but Jericho held on to the briefcase and swung back onto the ladder.
The Big Shor reentered the match as he climbed the ladder and punched Jericho in the face. Show punched both Jericho and Miz off the ladder.
Cena hit Big Show multiple times with the ladder as the briefcase came unhinged in what appeared to be a botched finish of sorts.
Winner: John Cena
Natalya quickly tagged in Beth Phoenix as she and Kaitlyn exchanges slaps before Phoenix angrily tagged in Eve.
Eve worked over Kaitlyn before the match begun to break down.
Tamina hit a superkick on Beth Phoenix and Layla made the pin for the win.
Winners: Layla, Tamina Snuka, Kaitlyn
Eve worked over Kaitlyn before the match begun to break down.
Tamina hit a superkick on Beth Phoenix and Layla made the pin for the win.
Winners: Layla, Tamina Snuka, Kaitlyn
Ryback started with Hawkins as he tossed him around the ring. Hawkins made a tag to Reks while running away from Ryback and Reks actually knocked Ryback down and sustained offense.
Reks tagged out to Hawkins as Hawkins stomped Ryback. Hawkins and Reks worked quick tags as they continued working Ryback over in the corner.
Cole made mention of this being the longest match of Ryback's career as Hawkins and Reks hit a double front suplex.
Ryback got into the match as he started a comeback against Reks. Ryback hit a powerbomb on Hawkins before throwing him out of the ring .
Ryback went back to Reks and hit his Shellshocked finisher on Reks for the win.
Winner: Ryback
Punk and Bryan sized each other up to start the match as the two quickly went to the outside. Bryan chopped Punk a coupe times before throwing him back into the ring.
Bryan peppered Punk with roundhouse kicks as he controlled the early goings.
Punk countered an armbar attempt to seize control as he briefly worked Bryan over in the corner before Bryan turned the tables and grabbed at his face from the middle turnbuckle.
Coming out of the corner, Punk and Bryan exchanged chops and kicks as Punk got the better of the exchange. Punk missed leg drop as Bruan returned to his offense of body kicks.
The action spilled to the outside as Punk took control. Back in the ring, Punk accidentally bumped AJ out of the ring. As he checked on AJ, Bryan hit an axe handle smash on Punk, then threw him into the stairs. Bryan checked on AJ as WWE officials tended to the special guest referee. AJ was escorted to the back by a WWE official as a new referee replaced AJ.
After another series of body kicks, Bryan charged Punk from the apron and hit a flying knee. Bryan threw Punk into the barricade, but Punk flipped a charging Bryan over the barricade into the timekeeper's area. Punk then connected with a springboard clothesline from the barricade.
Bryan attacked Punk as he pulled a table from under the ring. Bryan grabbed hold of a kendo stick as he stalked Punk with it. In the ring, Bryan tried to hit Punk with the kendo stick, but Punk kicked Bryan and grabbed the kendostick. Bryan returned the favor, and as Punk tried another springboard clothesline, Bryan hit Punk with the kendostick midair.
Bryan went to town on Punk with the kendo stick, striking him multiple times.
Bryan went to the top rope, but missed a flying headbutt. Punk and Bryan exchanged kicks and forearms as Punk gained momentum. Punk hit a neckbreaker but only got a nearfall.
Punk wet for the GTS, but Bryan countered with a hurricanrana for a nearfall, followed by a kick to the head.
Bryan performed a surboard maneuver on Bryan, but Punk countered and repeatedly struck Bryan with a kendo stick while holding on to his hand.
Punk went to the top rope, but Bryan cut him off and hit a super plex. This brought out AJ as she hit the ring and begun skipping around it. AJ then brought a steel chair into the ring and placed it in the middle of the ring as she allowed both men to fight over it. Bryan got the chair as he hit Punk multiple times, then made the cover for a nearfall.
As Bryan pleaded with AJ to count to three, Punk rolled up Bryan for a nearfall.
After yet another barrage of kicks, Bryan charged CM Punk in the corner but was met with a clothesline. Punk grabbed the chair and returned the favor as he hit Bryan multiple times with a steel chair. Punk placed the steel chair in between the top and middle turnbuckles, but AJ stood in front of it as Bryan took advantage of a distracted CM Punk.
Bryan crawled over to a kendostick but AJ stood on the stick as Bryan tried to grab it. This lead to Punk bodyslam of Bryan with the chair in hand, but Punk missed an ensuing Flying Elbow Drop. Bryan used the kendo stick to slap on the Yes lock. Punk hit Bryan with a Kendo Stick then catapulted him into the corner and hit the GTS. Punk crawled over to Bryan and made the pin
After a brief staredown with AJ, Punk went for the table and placed Bryan on the table in the ring. Bryan moved from the table and crotched Punk. Bryan was then crotched by Punk after a series of punches from the top turnbuckle. Punk went up top, and hit a back suplex through the table for the win.
Winner: CM Punk
Titus O'Neil and Epico start the match as O'Neil takes a series of chops. Epico and Primo hit a double dropkick on O'Neil as Primo is tagged in.
O'Neil tagged in Young as he begun picking up the offense, but Primo got back into the match with an impressive headscissors from the corner.
After the three men were dumped to the outside of the ring, Epico hit a diving somersault on the rest of the field before the action returned to the ring.
Epico was tossed out of the ring by Titus O'Neil as A.W. asked for a round of applause for All World Promotions to a chorus of boos. O'Neil rammed Epico into the steel post and threw him back into the ring as Young kept the momentum going.
AW continued screaming quotables as the Prime Time Players dominated the match. Epico and Primo got back into the match with high flying offense, but as Primo Springboarded from the top rope, Young caught him with his finisher. Young tried picking Primo up, but Primo rolled Young up for the three count.
Winners: Primo And Epico
Sheamus and Del Rio begin brawling with Del Rio working over Sheamus' arm. Sheamus quickly got the upper hand, but after a momentary distraction from Ricard Rodriguez, Del Rio connected with a running enzuigiri.
Del Rio continued to dominate the match, working over Sheamus' arm as the crowd begun to get behind Sheamus.
Sheamus begun to make his comeback, but Del Rio cut him off with a headbutt to the nose. Sheamus battled through it, and charged Del Rio with a swinging neckbreaker as both men stirred. Sheamus restarted his comeback with a pair of axe handle clotheslines, but Del Rio blocked a charging Sheamus with his knees before covering Sheamus for a nearfall.
Del Rio went for the Cross Armbreaker, but Sheamus blocked the move. Del Rio sent Sheamus to the outside but Sheamus hung on. Sheamus tried launching himself back into the ring but Del Rio caught Sheamus and hit a double double-knee maneuver to Sheamus' arm.
After a huge knee, Sheamus got back into the match. Sheamus hit his patented ten-count punches on Del Rio. After taking all ten punches, Del Rio grabbed Sheamus' arm and violently jerked it over the top rope. As Del Rio reentered the ring, Sheamus caught him and hit a backbreaker.
Sheamus went for a Brogue Kick, but Del Rio dodged and was able to hit a back stabber for a nearfall. Del Rio stalked Sheamus and went for a running enzuigiri but missed. Sheamus followed up with White Noise before calling for the Brogue Kick. Sheamus hit the Brogue Kick and pinned Del Rio for the win.
Winner: Sheamus
The Miz came out to a nice pop and chants of "Miz is awesome!" Miz cut a promo about where he has been over the last two months, saying he was off filming a movie.
Miz, now a bona fide movie star, said he's tired of being overlooked and announced that the WWE Championship Money in the Bank match would no longer be a four-person Money in the Bank match of former WWE Champions, but rather a five-person match.
The match starts with all participants brawling in the ring. The superstars quickly clear the ring as Tensai brings in the first two ladders.
Tensai hit a catapult maneuver on Tyson Kidd while the ladder was lodged on the second turnbuckle. Christian and Kidd knocked Tensai out of the ring with a double clothesline while holding the ladder.
Kidd, Christian and Santion all climbed the ladder simultaneously, but were pushed off by Sandow.
Sin Cara entered the match as Rhodes launched him into Ziggler, whom he dropkicked. Cara botched his top rope finisher on Ziggler, and was subsequently pushed off by Christian. Christian then went for a frogslpas hon Kidd while Kidd lay on the ladder, but Kidd moved.
Kidd and Santino each tried to climb the ladder, but both were stopped by Tensai, who sloppily powerbombed Santino off the ladder.
Sandow entered the ring to climb the ladder, but he was leapfrogged by Christian, who almost grabbed hold of the briefcase. Both men dropped from the ladder, and as Christian tried to begin climbing once again, Sandow threw him off.
Christian countered a running powerslam with a reverse DDT, but his ensuing spear was countered with a kick by Sandow. Sandow couldn't capitalize as Christian recovered and speared Sandow into the ladder.
Christian was violently thrown into the ladder by Ziggler and Rhodes as the two young stars raced to the top. Tensai once again entered to stop them.
As Tensai begun climbing, Kidd springboarded himself onto the ladder, but Tensai quickly dumped him off. Tensai played King of the Mountain as he threw superstar after superstar off the other side of the ladder before finally being brought down.
Santino climbed the ladder, but struggled as he demonstrated a fear of heights. Sandow climbed the other side and received a Cobra Strike for his troubles. Rhodes dropkicked Marella off the ladder and threw the ladder into Santino in the corner.
As Rhodes begun to climb, Vickie Guerrero climbed the other side. While distracted, Ziggler hit the Zig Zag on Rhodes from the ladder. Ziggler begun to climb, but was stopped by by Christian.
As Christian and Ziggler battled atop the ladder, Kidd leaped from a closed ladder and hit a modified power bomb on Ziggler. Meanwhile, Sandow stopped Christian and both men were dumped out of the ring.
On the outside, Tensai powerbombed Sin Car on a ladder that didn't give, then tossed Ziggler onto the announce table.
In the ring, Rhodes hit an inverted suplex on Kidd, but took a huge spear from Christian at the top of the ladder.
Christian and Santino were atop the ladder. After headbutting Santino, Christian took a nasty spill from the ladder complements of Dolph Ziggler. Ziggler then ascended the ladder and grabbed the briefcase for the win.
Winner: Dolph Ziggler
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